If you abide in My Word, you shall be My disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - John 8:31-32
He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. - 1 John 5:12


From time to time we have testimonies that come in (and we welcome yours) and with permission will post some here.  Below is the latest, may it bless you has it has us.

April 21, 2004

Dear Mr. Nicholson;    

Enclosed is a donation from my wife and myself and a donation from my dad.  These are to help your ministry, particularly as it relates to informing others about Freemasonry. 

My dad was a Master Mason in Alma, Michigan.  Through the work of God, using my sister in Michigan and myself to a lesser extent, my dad left the Masons, a long story in itself.  However, he continued to live in the Masonic Home there.  Though he thought he was a Christian, and had been a member of the Presbyterian Church there for 60+ years, he had no relationship with the Lord.  The Bible remained a book he “ought” to read out of duty.  And he did read it, though a veil covered his understanding.  Our Lord, through me, invited my dad to come to British Columbia and get to know Him here.  It was not a command, but rather an invitation. 

Reluctantly, my dad agreed.  He arrived at our log home here in God’s wild, mountain country, in October 2002.  After a couple months of daily devotions and Bible reading together, dad began to change.  The Lord urged him to lay two things on the altar: the theory of evolution (he was a professor of biology his whole career and taught evolution in biology classes) and his outlook on Masonry.  Although he had demitted, he still saw nothing wrong with socializing with Masons at Mason functions back in Michigan.  After all, “they are such nice people.”  He finally came to see the organization closer to God’s perspective and to see the Mason’s themselves as trapped in Satan’s snare.  Thank God he laid them both down, drew an imaginary line on the floor and told the Lord that he was stepping across the line and leaving evolution and the Masons behind.  As he tearfully told me about how he had done this the night before, I thought he might be born again in a week or so.  But the Holy Spirit whispered to me, “He has been reborn”.  This was at 90 years of age!  Dad went on to get re-baptized by immersion in a nearby lake and some time later received the baptism with the Holy Spirit – both at age 91. 

I loaned a friend at church the book “Free from Freemasonry” by Ron G. Campbell and when he returned it he gave me a copy of your tape.  The tape was your testimony to a group of Christian businessmen in Alberta.  My dad and I listened to that tape at least twice.  Dad said over and over, “I am so glad I am out of the Masons”.  He is finally free spiritually as well as physically.  Thank you so much for your tape and the work you are doing. 

In late March, the Lord spoke to me and very clearly said that my dad was to return to Michigan.  I took him back there in April and he is living with my sister in his own house. 

We thank you for being obedient to the Lord, for not giving in when the trials upon you and your son were so heavy, for writing the book for which Satan tormented you, and for your ministry to free others from Freemasonry.  May God bless you in all of your work and in your personal life. 

Yours in Christ Jesus, 

DGE  British Columbia