If you abide in My Word, you shall be My disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - John 8:31-32
He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. - 1 John 5:12

Links - Jewish 

We believe Jesus, Yeshua Ha Mashia is coming back for the Jewish nation and those of us grafted in according to His Word. Therefore we think that these web sites that support Israel might be of interest to you. The Lord said, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you".  

DAVID DOLAN is a Jerusalem-based author and journalist. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, he has lived in Israel since 1980. www.ddolan.com

Canadian Jewish Congress is the democratically elected, national organizational voice of the Jewish community of Canada. www.cjc.ca 

Very interesting article here by Dennis Prager

The Israel Hasbara Committee is a non-governmental, independent organization that specializes in educating the public about the history and aspirations of the Jewish people and the State of Israel. It is not connected with any political party in Israel or elsewhere.  www.infoisrael.net 

This is a group from YWAM that went to Israel in the summer of 2004, part of their journal is here

Avner and Rachel Boskey of Final Frontier Ministries  www.infoisrael.net 

There are many press releases that might be of interest Press releases

This article also found in Materials and Resources on our site, is a dialogue by comedian Dennis Miller on the situation in the Middle East.

This is a ministry in Israel of Messianic believers reaching out to their fellow Jews and the greater body of the Messiah www.tikkunministries.org

God has a dream.  Jew and Gentile, one in Messiah.  www.sidroth.org

One of our friends, Carla, from the Mennonite Brethren sends some of her favorite links with brief comments...

This one is not a Christian or Messianic site, this one has talk radio programs you can listen to online that are quite interesting so you can hear the truth instead of our canned biased CNN news: www.israelnationalnews.com
Nice little 'grafted in' timeline in a nutshell here: www.gnfi.org/index.html
This one is very interesting, lots in their 'library': www.focusonjerusalem.com 
Some good articles on prophecy and Israel: www.lamblion.com
Hebrew lessons and readings (I don't agree with all opinions here): www.hebrew4christians.com
My all time favorite huge Jewish roots website: www.hebroots.org 
Catholic issue: If you want to see a very strong message revealing Catholicism, on this website there is a slideshow that will take you through Catholicism, it is quite long...after a friend of ours sat through half of it, he was so shocked it was all he could take. That same day he took his crucifix down from above his bed that he had been given by his Catholic grandmother. (The slideshow is on the right side of the page, you have to click on ‘enter the slideshow” to watch it. You can go through it at your own speed, took me several times to finish): http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/

Papal Rome and the European Union.  Written by former Roman Catholic priest Richard Bennett and Michael de Semlyn it includes historical perspectives with reference to the Holocaust.  Other articles by Richard Bennett:

Printable PDF Article >The Anti-Christ Unveiled
An Overview of the History of the Papacy 

This article found on www.bereanbeacon.org is by Michael de Semlyen Printable PDF Article >The Roots of Apostasy

Is Canada an anti-Semitic nation?  Or is it a nationthat tolerates anti-Semitism?

Some good news for Canada after our recent elections - Printable PDF Article >A very good start!

A close friend of our ministry sent us the following articles:

"The below provocative article was sent to me today and the implications are so profound I want to pass it on.  I had never thought about the idea of the "exchange" before.  But it is sadly true".  Europe got Muslims for Jews
"There are certain assumptions we Christians make when communicating with Jewish people, which do more to close doors than open them".  Printable PDF Article >The Heart of a Faithful Jew
Printable PDF Article >What is a Messianic Gentile?
Very thought provoking and very true: Printable PDF Article >from believers in Jerusalem

Printable PDF Article >Book Reviews