If you abide in My Word, you shall be My disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - John 8:31-32
He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. - 1 John 5:12

Materials / Resources

On this page you will find a variety of materials to assist you in your freedom from deception and your growth in the Lord, as well as links to other like ministries.  

May you be mightily blessed as you journey on the path of Truth, in Jesus' name.

We have compiled 3 Manuals that are available as pdf downloads and other materials in hard copy format.

Articles by Evans Nicholson

Articles by Bill Ferguson

Booth Presentation

To The Churches of Red Deer  this is a letter that was written by a concerned brother to the Pastors in his city.

Printable PDF Article >First Lodge Night the initiation night for Entered Apprentice Mason.

Printable PDF Article >Trojan Horse  A pastor's story of coming against the Lodge in his church.

Printable PDF Article >Is There No Help For The Widow's Son  An article from the Mormon's headquarters web site proving that Joseph Smith was a Freemason.

Printable PDF Article >FREEMASONRY UPDATE  epilogue to Rev. Charles Finney's book 'The Character, Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry'  which is included in John Daniel's report.

Printable PDF Article >A PASTOR AND FREEMASONRY - WHAT'S A PASTOR TO DO Rev. Harmon Taylor's testimony on coming out of Freemasonry.

Breaking Oaths Ministry founders testimony cutting off curses (Masonic and witchcraft)  They Took the Oaths Are You Paying the Price?

Other articles of interest:

Earlier this year this article came to our office, it might be of interest to you.  Dennis Miller on the Mideast situation

This is an article that might be of interest to you, Raised from the dead


Printable PDF Article >Contact Resources  other ministries with their resources.

Over the course of travels some photos that have been taken in various communities across Canada of Masonic and related halls.

Blessings in Jesus’ name, Choosing Truth Ministries